Thursday, July 21, 2011

Energy & Persistence

It's been a challenging week for me, to say the very least. In the past week, my email & Facebook accounts were hacked on three separate occasions. It was a frustrating process, and one that I'm not planning on going into the details about ... nonetheless, I will just say that the infinite amounts of patience that I exhibit (at times!) helped me to deal with it all. Technology is a tricky thing, it's supposed to make our lives easier, more SIMPLE, right? Well, while that is the truth for the most part, it can also complicate our lives at times, as it did in this particular case.

I learned MANY lessons through the process of cleaning up the accounts, and I will likely be writing a blog post in the future about how you can protect yourself if this ever happens to you. So, be on the lookout for that one!

All I can really say, is that the quote that I had on my Simply Inspired page really rings true to me right now: "Energy & persistence conquer all things." (~ Benjamin Franklin) They do, and I feel like I conquered my fear of dealing with technology issues, as well as several other issues to make my own life easier throughout this week. I came out a stronger, more informed business owner, and I will continue moving forward. What else can we do when something like this happens?! The only answer I have is to stay on a positive path and to continue to make SIMPLE a way of life!

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